"You cannot solve a problem until you acknowledge that you have one and accept responsibility for solving it." (Nu poti rezolva o problema pana nu admiti ca ai una si pana nu accepti responsabilitatea de a o rezolva.)
Zig Ziglar
"There are two things that define you. Your patience when you have nothing and your attitude when you everything." (Exista doua lucruri care te definesc. Rabdarea ta atunci cand nu ai nimic si atitudinea ta atunci cand ai totul.)
Zig Ziglar
"Getting knocked down in life is a given. Getting up and moving forward is a choice." (Sa fii doborat in viata e ceva ce e dat. Sa te ridici si sa mergi inainte e o alegere.)
Zig Ziglar
"Be helpful. When you see a person without a smile, give him yours." (Fii de ajutor. Cand vezi o persoana care nu zambeste, ofera-i zambetul tau.)
Zig Ziglar
"You’ve got to be before you can do, and do before you can have." (Tu trebuie sa fii inainte de a face si trebuie sa faci inainte de a avea.)
Zig Ziglar
"The chief cause of failure and unhappiness is trading what you want most for what you want now." (Cauza principala a esecului si a nefericirii este sa schimbi ceea ce doresti cel mai mult pentru ceea ce vrei acum.)
Zig Ziglar
"All of us perform better and more willingly when we know why we’re doing what we have been told or asked to do." (Fiecare dintre noi performam mai bine si mai voit atunci cand stim de ce facem ceea ce ni s-a spus sau ni s-a cerut sa facem.)
Zig Ziglar
"It’s not the situation, but whether we react (negative) or respond (positive) to the situation that’s important." (Nu e situatia, ci modul in care reactionam (negativ) sau raspundem (pozitiv) la situatie e important.)
Zig Ziglar
"You don’t drown by falling in water; you only drown if you stay there." (Tu nu te vei inneca pentru ca ai cazut in apa; tu te ineci doar daca ramai acolo.)
Zig Ziglar
"Lack of direction, not lack of time, is the problem. We all have twenty-four hour days." (Lipsa de directie nu lipsa de timp e problema. Noi toti avem zile cu 24 de ore.)
Zig Ziglar
"Other people and things can stop you temporarily. You’re the only one who can do it permanently." (Alte persoane sau lucruri te pot opri temporar. Tu esti insa singurul care o poate face permanent.)
Zig Ziglar
"Take time to be quiet." (Fa-ti timp sa taci.)
Zig Ziglar
"You will make a lousy anybody else, but you will be the best “you” in existence." (Tu vei fi un ALTCINEVA jalnic, insa vei putea fi cel mai bun TU care exista.)
Zig Ziglar
"To respond is positive, to react is negative." (Sa raspunzi e pozitiv, sa reactionezi e negativ.)
Zig Ziglar
"You already have every characteristic necessary for success if you recognize, claim, develop and use them." (Tu ai deja fiecare caracteristica necesara pentru a reusi daca le recunosti, le revendici, le dezvolti si le folosesti.)
Zig Ziglar
"The most practical, beautiful, workable philosophy in the world won’t work – if you won’t." (Cea mai practica, frumoasa si aplicabila filosofie di lume nu va functiona - daca tu nu o aplici.)
Zig Ziglar
"Motivation is the fuel necessary to keep the human engine running." (Motivatia este combustibilul necesar sa mentina motorul uman in functiune.)
Zig Ziglar
"When you choose to be pleasant and positive in the way you treat others, you have also chosen, in most cases, how you are going to be treated by others." (Cand alegi sa fii placut si pozitiv in modul in care ii tratezi pe ceilalti, tu ai ales, in cele mai multe cazuri, cum vei fi tratat de ceilalti.)
Zig Ziglar
"Obviously, there is little you can learn from doing nothing." (Evident, sunt foarte putine lucruri pe care le poti invata facand nimic.)
Zig Ziglar
"Positive thinking will let you use the abilities, training and experience you have." (Gandirea pozitiva te va lasa sa-ti folosesti abilitatile, instruirea si experienta pe care le ai.)
Zig Ziglar
"What you get by reaching your destination is not nearly as important as what you will become by reaching your destination." (Ceea ce PRIMESTI prin ajungerea la destinatie nu e nici macar pe aproape ca importanta ca ceea ce vei DEVENI prin ajungerea la destinatie.)
Zig Ziglar
"It’s not what happens to you that determines how far you will go in life; it is how you handle what happens to you." (Nu ceea ce ti se intampla determina cat de departe vei merge in viata; e cum te ocupi de ceea ce ti se intampla.)
Zig Ziglar
"You are the only one who can use your ability. It is an awesome responsibility." (Tu esti singurul care iti poti folosi abilitatea. E o responsabilitate extraordinara.)
Zig Ziglar
"Discipline yourself to do the things you need to do when you need to do them, and the day will come when you will be able to do the things you want to do when you want to do them!" (Disciplineaza-te pe tine insuti sa faci lucrurile pe care trebuie sa le faci atunci cand trebuie sa le faci si va veni si ziua in care vei fi in stare sa faci lucrurile pe care le vrei atunci cand le vrei!)
Zig Ziglar
"If we don't start, it's certain we can't arrive." (Daca nu vom incepe cu siguranta nu vom ajunge la destinatie.)
Zig Ziglar
"Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does." (Actioneaza ca si cum ceea ce faci va face o diferenta. Chiar asa este.)
William James
"The best way to inspire people to superior performance is to convince them by everything you do and by your everyday attitude that you are wholeheartedly supporting them." (Cel mai bun mod de a inspira oamenii catre o performanta superioara este de a-i convinge prin tot ceea ce faci si prin atitudinea ta de zi cu zi ca ii sustii din toata inima.)
Harold S. Geneen
"Character is the result of two things: mental attitude and the way we spend our time." (Caracterul este rezultatul a doua lucruri: atitudinea mentala si modul in care ne petrecem timpul.)
Elbert Hubbard
"Develop an attitude of gratitude, and give thanks for everything that happens to you, knowing that every step forward is a step toward achieving something bigger and better than your current situation." (Dezvoltati o atitudine de gratitudine si multumeste pentru tot ceea ce ti se intampla, stiind ca fiecare pas inainte este un pas inspre a atinge ceva mai mare si mai bun decat situatia ta curenta.)
Brian Tracy
"Our attitude towards others determines their attitude towards us." (Atitudinea noastra fata de altii determina atitudinea lor fata de noi.)
Earl Nightingale
"Attitudes are more important than facts." (Atitudinile sunt mai importante decat faptele.)
George MacDonald