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Misu Radovici
“When love is real you don’t get over it at all, it stays with you forever, expanding your heart and enabling you to love others more deeply. Love is a gift, child, a grace.” (Cand dragostea e reala nu vei putea trece peste acest sentiment deloc, va ramane cu tine pentru totdeauna, deschizandu-ti si mai tare inima, dandu-ti posibilitatea sa ii iubesti pe ceilalti mult mai adanc. Dragostea e un cadou, copilule, un har.)
Penelope J. Stokes

2 Responses
  1. Charys Says:

    sooooo... if it goes away... it never really was love after all?

  2. Uhmmm ...
    E pana la urma intrebare ... sau totusi ai realizat ceva(s-a aprins ceva beculetze :P)?