"Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced." (Viata nu e o problema ce trebuie rezolvata, ci o realitate ce trebuie experimentata.)
Soren Kierkegaard
"We'll be known for our opinions but remembered for our love." (Noi vom fi cunoscuti dupa opiniile noastre, dar amintiti pentru dragostea noastra.)
Bob Goff
"If I cannot do great things, I can do small things in a great way." (Daca nu pot face lucruri mari, atunci pot face lucruri mici intr-o maniera mareata.)
Martin Luther King Jr.
"Dumnezeu creaza in viata ta conditiile necesare nasterii unei viziuni."
"God is looking for leaders who say, "If there’s a tough assignment, I’m available." (Dumnezeu cauta lideri care sa spuna: Daca exista o lucrare grea, sunt disponibil.)
Bill Hybels
"Keep your fears to yourself, but share your courage with others." (Tineti temerile pentru tine, dar impartaseste-ti curajul cu altii.)
Robert Louis Stevenson
"We need to reawaken our imaginations to be able to imagine a future of hope." (Trebuie sa ne retrezim imaginatia pentru a putea fi in stare sa ne imaginam un viitor al sperantei.)
Don Flow
"Forgiveness is just another name for freedom." (Iertarea e un alt nume pentru libertate.)
Byron Katie
"The intellect of the wise is like glass; it admits the light of heaven and reflects it." (Intelectul celor intelepti e ca sticla; primeste lumina cerului si o reflecta.)
Augustus Hare
"Storms draw something out of us that calm seas don't." (Furtunile scot la iveala ceva din noi pe care apele calme nu o pot face.)
Bill Hybels
"Life is a gift. Living is a choice. Winning is an opportunity. Leadership is a responsibility." (Viata e un dar. A trai e o alegere. A castiga e o oportunitate. A concuce e o responsabilitate.)
Brian Houston
"Every single decision you make as a leader has an effect on the spirit of those you lead." (Fiecare decizie pe care o iei ca lider are un efect asupra spiritului celor pe care ii conduci.)
Bill Hybels
"Unity is not the same as uniformity. We have strength in our diversity." (Unitatea nu e acelasi lucru cu uniformitatea. Noi suntem puternici prin diversitatea noastra.)
Craig Groeschel