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Misu Radovici
"Life begins at the end of your comfort zone." (Viata incepe la sfarsitul zonei tale de comfort.)
Neale Donald Walsch
Misu Radovici
"He who doesn't move his feet won't stumble, but he won't get ahead either." (Cel ce nu-si misca piciorul nu se va impiedica, dar nici nu va inainta.)
Gonzo Arzuaga
Misu Radovici
"Before anything else, preparation is the key to success." (Inainte de toate, pregatirea este cheia spre succes.)
Alexander Graham Bell
Misu Radovici
"Comfort destroys ambition. Don't get comfortable." (Comfortul distruge ambitia. Nu deveni comfortabil.)
Robert Kiyosaki
Misu Radovici
"Genius is initiative on fire." (Geniul este initiativa in flacari.)
Holbrook Jackson
Misu Radovici
"I am not afraid of storms for I am learning how to sail my ship." (Mie nu imi e teama de furtuni, pentru ca eu invat cum sa imi conduc corabia.)
Louisa May Alcott
Misu Radovici
"How old would you be if you didn't know how old you are?" (Cat de in varsta ai fi daca nu ai stii ce varsta ai?)
Satchel Paige
Misu Radovici
"Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light." (A merge cu un prieten prin intuneric e mai bine decat sa umbli singur in lumina.)
Helen Keller
Misu Radovici
"To know that we know what we know, and to know that we do not know what we do not know, that is true knowledge." (Sa stim ca stim ceea ce stim si sa stim ca nu stim ceea ce nu stim, aceasta e adevarata cunostiinta.)
Nicolaus Copernicus
Misu Radovici
"If you want to build a ship, don't drum up people to collect wood and don't assign them tasks and work, but rather teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea." (Daca vrei sa construiesti o corabie, nu bate toba ca persoanele din jurul tau sa adune lemne si nu le atribui sarcini si munci, ci mai degraba invata-i sa-si doreasca imensitatea nesfarsita a marii.)
Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Misu Radovici
"No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent." (Nici un om nu e o insula, intreg prin sine insusi; fiecare om e o bucatica dintr-un continent.)
John Donne
Misu Radovici
"It's easier to stand on the sidelines, criticize, and say why you shouldn't do something. The sidelines are crowded. Get in the game." (E mai usor sa stai pe margine, sa critici si sa spui de ce tu nu ar trebui sa faci ceva. Marginile sunt aglomerate. Intra in joc.)
Robert Kiyosaki
Misu Radovici
"Promise me you'll always remember: You're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think." (Promite-mi ca-ti vei aminti intotdeauna: Esti mai brav decat crezi, mai puternic decat pari si mai destept decat te gandesti.)
A. A. Milne
Misu Radovici
"Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment." (Disciplina este podul dintre teluri si realizari.)
Jim Rohn
Misu Radovici
"Sometimes the most beautiful skies are moments after a storm has passed. Know that to be true in your life as well." (Cateodata cerul cel mai frumos e imediat dupa ce a trecut o furtuna. Sa stii ca acest lucru e adevarat si in viata ta.)
Carol Miller
Misu Radovici
"Perhaps the surest test of an individual's integrity is his refusal to do or say anything that would damage his self-respect." (Probabil cel mai sigur test al integritatii unui individ e refuzul sau de a face sau a spune ceva ce ar putea sa-i afecteze respectul de sine.)
Thomas S. Monson
Misu Radovici
“I don’t see the point in measuring life in terms of time anymore, I’d rather measure life in terms of making a difference.” (Nu vad sensul de a mai masura viata in termeni temporali, ci prefer sa masor viata in termeni de a face diferenta.)
Stephen Sutton
Misu Radovici
"There are always flowers for those who want to see them." (Exista intotdeauna flori pentru cei ce vor sa le vada.)
Henri Matisse
Misu Radovici
"Don't call the world dirty just because you forgot to clean your glasses." (Nu numi lumea murdara doar pentru ca tu ai uitat sa iti cureti ochelarii.)
Aaron Hill
Misu Radovici
"There is a lot of beauty to be seen when you choose to look for it." (Exista destul de multa frumusete ce poate fi vazuta atunci cand alegi sa o cauti.)
Carol Miller
Misu Radovici
"Hope is the power that gives a person the confidence to step out and try." (Speranta e puterea ce da unei persoane increderea de a pasi in exterior si a incerca.)
Zig Ziglar